Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Man Scorned: Halle Berry Must Pay

I love Tasty Blogs!
Actress Halle Berry has been ordered by Superior Court Judge Scott Gordon to pay fashion model ex-husband Gabriel Aubry 16K a month in child support. Ah, to be a celebrity child. But wait a minute, I thought it took a village to raise a child. Who knew it actually takes a disgruntled, bitter ex-hubby to go after a financially loaded ex-wife.

Upon hearing of the payout my immediate question, which was no doubt similar to yours was this: what does this child do that warrants 16K every 30 days, give or take? I sincerely hope that the lawyer for the pose-y model didn't utter the words, "…the child must be allowed to maintain the lifestyle that she's accustomed." Dude, she's 6 years old! Are her Sippy cups made from platinum? Are her 'Hello Kitty' lunch bags hand made by Louis Vuitton? Are her jump ropes made from Italian cashmere and hand crafted by Donatella Versace?

To compare salaries between the divorcees; Halle Berry allegedly made 4.7 million dollars in 2013 while Fashion model or 'Print-Poser' Gabriel Aubry allegedly brought in 192K in the same year. Disparity? Sure, but this is not alimony this is child support. Halle must also pay Aubry 300K in legal fees and continue to pay the full amount of the child's private school tuition. Add to this Halle must pay 115K retroactively seeing as they battled it out for so long. (They were married in 2005 and called it quits in 2010). Last, I dare not forget that Halle must pay the 16K/ month until the child graduates from high school or reaches age 19 which ever comes first. (By the way the custody is 'joint custody')

Quick Math:

16K x 12 months= 192K (1 year)
192K x 13 years= 2,496,000 (13 years until the child hits 19)

You might be saying 'what's 2.5 million over 13 years when she made 4.7 million in one year?'. You might be saying that but I'm still asking what the kid needs the dough for especially when she'll be in mommy's care half the time.

The Back Story:

F.Y.I. there's always a back story. This legal battle is actually about a man-scorned. In 2012 Halle's current hubby actor Olivier Martinez mixed it up with model Gabriel Aubry. (Sounds like a bad movie doesn't it?) Anyway, the ex and the current engaged in a 'dust up' where Olivier beat the crap out of Aubry and sent him to the E.R.

Ya win some...
Olivier's father Robert Olivier Martinez was a professional boxer. Guess what pugilistic art dear old dad passed on to junior? Sorry Aubry but part of picking one's battles should always include knowing who one is about to do battle with. Ok, so Gabriel Aubry got his butt kicked. He should have gone home (after the hospital stay) and done one of two things: either rest up and challenge Martinez to a rematch or dusted himself off and moved on.  That's how a man would have done things in my day but a boy or perhaps Zoolander-esque male model would have felt wronged. He'd cry, 'no fair!' or 'the injustice!' and 'Oweeeee!' But Aubry sought out a lawyer and alas a third option materialized: go for the monetary jugular.

No doubt the hand wringing Hollywood lawyer was more than happy to take the battered print model's case. I'm sure as  the lawyer sat behind the big desk listening to the sweet sound of his money-counter he exclaimed, "...Never mind the assault charge Aubry we'll go for the high buck child support. You'll be sittin' pretty in no time. Stick with me kid and you'll never have to pout for those testy shutterbugs ever again!"

At the end of the day this could be referred to as a 'win-win'. Halle claims that she's fine with the result and just happy to move on and live her life with a tough guy. (I'm paraphrasing a tad on the last bit). And Aubry the 'I-shall-not-be-wronged modeling pretty-man' has a few extra ducats in his pocket…all of which will naturally go to the raising of his lovely daughter. So, no harm--other than the total beat down of ass kicking pugilistic shit kickery; no foul.
the money's in child support Bub

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