Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Celebrity News Y'all

Canadian actor Kiefer Sutherland of action television show 24 is headed for the hoosegow. Originally a hoosegow was a panel of judges but around about 1911 slang did what slang does and the term came to mean; jail. But I digress. Kiefer's going in for 48 days thanks to driving under the influence of a whole-lotta booze. If you do the easy math you'll realize that he'll be in lock down in a cozy 10x8 for Christmas, New Years and apparently his birthday. Boy is he going to get smashed when he gets out! Whooie doggie! The 48 days is courtesy of 30 days for the infraction and 18 more sun-ups for probation violation. (Incidentally 'probation violation' would make a great name for a heavy metal rock band). Hang in there Kiefer and just remember that your fans love you, the writer's are on strike so you're not missing any work and when you get out and celebrate holiday's and special occasions missed; hire a driver dummy!

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