Tuesday, November 6, 2007

French Fries...Freedom Fries

And so now we are visited by Nicolas Sarkozy France's President. The goal: Bush and his buddies want to regain an ally. Let me remind this ADHD nation of a recent time when we were dumping French Champagne into our oceans, rivers and storm drains. A time when we refused to call french fries by their name and instead called them freedom fries. The same went for french toast. Oh sure it was the media that whipped up the new nomenclature and beat it like a dead horse. But don't kid yourselves, the Bush administration loved the frenzy. Hell they may even have authored the swill. Remember they were building the coalition of the willing and all of that jazz.
Ah, but that is ancient history. It is a new day. Sarkozy is for heavy sanctions against Iran and therefore we like the French...now...and stuff. Hey, don't get me wrong I understand the game; alliances have been coming and going for centuries but just don't be a prick about it. There were several countries that did not join the coalition-ya dummies. But Sarkozy is French and like many Europeans he gives it to you straight: he did mention concern about the weakening U.S. dollar. He feels that a strong nation...(one that is bringing freedom to everybody), should have a strong currency. I agree. But analysts to the right will tell you a weak dollar is good for trade and we need this to off set the wounded housing market. Bullshit!Stop lying assholes and bring some truth. If the dollar drops to the weight of the peso will we still be kicking ass in the trade department? Currency is juice and if other nations see that your dollar is weak and you can't buy like you used to and countries don't scramble for your currency then you simply ain't got the juice baby. When Bush went to India and gave them the green light on their nuclear program he told them Americans would look forward to eating Indian mangoes. (I couldn't have put it better if I was on a three day tequila bender...wait a minute-sure I could.) I suppose if this trip comes off without a hitch Sarkozy will get a message that Americans look forward to drinking french roasted coffee. For the record, I'll be adding three shots of Jamaican rum to my cup of french java, because this game of political ass kissing and friend gathering is tres pathetique! (That is french for 'blowz')

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