Memorial day just passed and as per usual Americans shopped, went on vacation, barbecued and paid tribute to the fallen. The Decider in Chief did what a president should do and attended a ceremony in Arlington. He said the presidential usual,"I stand before you as commander...very proud etc." He then goes on and says this about the proud soldiers that have fallen. "They're an awesome bunch of people and the U.S. is blessed to have such citizens." Memeorial day comes but once a year and this is a huge memorial day as he is on his way out and he has led many a military lamb to this slaughter and the best he can muster is that 'they're awesome'. The man is pathetic; a lame duck president to the power of ten. The pretend cowboy then goes on to say, "...they found peace beneath the white headstones in the land they fought to defend...solemn reminder of the cost of freedom that the number of headstones in such a place as this grows with every memorial day."
Peace beneath the headstones? Had I lost a child in this debacle I'd be snapping. They had REAL peace before Bush cooked up this bullshit Iraq war. Cost of freedom? Freedom from who, the marauding Iraqis in a neighborhood near me? The gall and arrogance is astounding.
Former press secretary Scott McClellan's new tell all book apparently tears his former administration a new one.
"What I do know is that war should be waged when necessary and the Iraq war was not necessary." This quote is apparently from the book's preface. How do we feel about this upcoming tell-all? Is he trying to put forth a Bart Simpson-esque 'I didn't do it' as former guy who told us all to believe in the admin's words? Is he trying to gain immunity from the public in the event he needs to appear before a jury of his peers? Or is he just yet another rat leaving the drowning good-fascist-ship lollipop? Do we say attaboy Scotty or do we say it's too little too late Bubba go atone somewhere else. In fairness it does take some balls to write about your sins especially when there is risk of retribution. Furthermore, any light these whistle blowers...oops I should say accomplices instead of whistle blowers for there is a difference on the morality food chain-but any light/evidence these cats want to shed on what we basically already know is fine by me. The administration has quickly retorted by labeling Scotty Mac as 'disgruntled'. No doubt the label was written by an awesome bunch of speech writing press dudes.
Bush's response was that he's got better things to do than worry about some disgruntled former employee. A good line if it weren't for the fact that we all know that the only thing on is his mind is which skippy cowboy hat he should wear first in 200 plus days when he steps down. And on that day I'm sure he'll look up from his Shetland pony to his dad who sits a real horse and say, "See daddy I told you I could do two terms, now watch me jump this pony over that tiny Texas tulip."
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