The other day I heard Bush tell the world that not only do we have nothing to worry about as far as the U.S. economy is concerned but he claimed that the almighty U.S. dollar is not weak. And I swear he believed his words; that's how far the man is gone. So we all know he's wrong on that but I'm not here to rag on Mr. Mission Accomplished tonight.
A recent study just came out about how and where the economy is hemorrhaging.In a word; everywhere but lets look at restaurants. Americans are tightening their belts. Actually no they are loosening their belts but tightening up on their spending at most restaurants but not at( drum roll please) fast food joints. Diddley squat has been gleaned from movies like Supersize Me or stats on rising obesity. Cats who normally eat at your Soup Plantations, Sizzlers and TGI Fridays are taking it down a notch and going to McDonald's, Burger King and the other fat building bottom of the barrel-ers. Their profits are up, and significantly so over the aforementioned upper tier. Fast food regulars may be pulling back a day or two during the week at best but the second tier-ers have stepped into the deep fry basement. What this means is as with other recessions Americans will pinch their pennies visa vi; clothing, jewelry, houses, cars and the like but dammit America is going to eat! Obesity be damned. So whereas the media claimed that Katrina victims took their FEMA issued ATM cards to buy high end sneakers and IPODS just watch how many common folk take their Bush granted stimulus package checks to MickeyD's ASAP. Go ahead America get your eat-on while we still have a place at the table...tick tick y'all the clock is ticking.
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